Alice Pooley
Medical Education: Webmaster
Hi I’m Alice a 3rd year medic and I’m running to be MedEd’s Webmaster. As the Webmaster of MedEd Society, my aim is to ensure that our digital platform supports the growth and success of every member, enhance learning opportunities, and facilitate collaboration.
In the 2025-2026 academic year I hope to fulfil the following:
- Ensuring the website is up to date weekly events e.g. crashcourse dates
- Increasing the use of the website by increasing the publicity surrounding it
- Revamp the interface of the website to prioritise ease of use and clear navigation of it
- Ensure resources on MedAll are easily accessible via the website to all years
As a sports team captain I am used to keeping a full team up to date and upkeeping constant communication, so I am confident that I can be a reliable Webmaster.
I will work to strengthen our society's digital presence and ensure it continues to serve as a vital resource in the MedED community.
Vote for Alice :)