Anirudh Narendra Nath
Biology: Social Events Officer
Who even needs events?
We do. We ALL do.
Events provide us with an escape from stress. As your Social Events Officer, I would help make accessible, enjoyable and interactive events for all.
What would I do?
- Improve event accessibility: Even when they seem fun, events can often feel very far away. I will work towards more accessible events than anyone can join!
- Better student networking: PASS sessions have showed me that our seniors and peers often have valuable insight to share. More opportunities to meet them means more chances to learn from and bond with the people who share our hardships.
- Learn about YOU: Your opinion matters to me - these events are for YOUR sake. If you want to see something, just say what it is. I’ll sort it out.
I am well-suited for this position. As the Director of Communications for my school’s Interact Club, talking to people effectively is a strong point of mine. Additionally, my time spent as an MUN Conference Management member, as well as volunteering in a variety of events, has made me accustomed to team coordination and hands-on work.
I’ll do whatever I must to make our lives and events more enjoyable and stress-free. I’m available whenever you need me – don’t be afraid to reach out! Thanks in advance! :)