Hugo Hudson
What do you live for? Why do you choose to wake up every morning (or afternoon knowing some of you) to take on the challenges of the world? The struggle of making it to read on a Monday morning, the STRESS of writing a 1500-word essay worth 2% of your module, and of course, the difficulties which I’m so blissfully unaware of in years 2 and 3 too. What drives you to keep on going?
I’d assume one large aspect of it is the people. The people you meet along your incredible journey of life. The stories which you make with them, the experiences which you live through with one another. Cast your mind to the best moments of your life, whatever they may be. I’m almost certain that whatever snapshot of life you’re currently imagining involved other people. The time where you were stargazing with close friends, or maybe Christmas day with your family. Whatever it is, I highly doubt you visualised moments when you were sat alone in your room scrolling tik tok. This isn’t to downplay time spent to yourself! Going on a walk alone, reflecting on life can be quite an uplifting experience, but I truly believe the best moments are shared with other people.
For that reason, if I am voted as a social events officer for biosoc, I’ll do everything in my power to make incredible events happen! Events which cultivate amazing experiences, events which allow you to connect with others.