Photo of Hollie Meyers

Hollie Meyers

VegSoc: Chair

Hey everyone, I’ve been on the Vegsoc committee for two years now: one year as Events Officer and one as Chair. Alongside running Vegsoc, I am also the lead campaigner for Imperial’s Plant-based Universities campaign which successfully passed a motion at Union Council this year. I’m committed to the cause by trying to make Vegsoc an open and inclusive place for any student wanting to learn more about the vegan lifestyle, meanwhile trying my hardest to make Imperial a more environment- and animal-friendly institution by campaiging for systemic change in their catering.


  • London has SO many fabulous fully vegan restaurants and I’m keen to continue assisting our Events Officer to run our monthly dinners which members seem to enjoy.
  • I would love to diversify the events that Vegsoc offers including organising an animal sanctuary visit and offering more educational events to help others be vegan. I'd run a Veganuary schedule of events including posting daily videos of Vegsoc members making their favourite meals to inspire others (this will actually happen January 2026!!) and who knows, Earthling Ed may drop by ;)
  • I'd like to see our monthly communications via newsletter and social media posting become more consistent, and look forward to helping the other committee members reach these goals.

Thank you :)