Photo of Sanika Parandekar

Sanika Parandekar

BioMedical: Treasurer

Hey everyone! I’m Sanika, a first year BMB student and I’m excited to be running for BioMedical Soc treasurer :)

Since joining Imperial, I’ve had the chance to experience some amazing events, and I want to make sure they only get bigger and better in the future! As students, we all know the struggle of watching our bank accounts shrink, so I’m committed to making sure our society’s events are as fun, accessible and cost-effective as possible.

Through experiences in budgeting and fundraising from my previous role as president of the GirlUp Club (a UN affiliated organisation) of my school, I have the skills to handle our society’s finances efficiently, transparently and strategically. My goals are to:

  • Maximise our resources so that every penny goes toward making your experience as a BMB student even more enjoyable
  • Organise more fundraisers to make events affordable for all
  • Take the BMB community’s suggestions into consideration through surveys and allocate resources accordingly

I would appreciate your vote and thank you for your consideration!