Hi everyone, I am Korhan, a first-year Biomedical Engineering student originally from Istanbul, Türkiye and I am thrilled to announce my application for the Vice President: Events role at the Consultancy Society. I believe that well-structured, high-impact events are key to equipping students with the skills, insights, and connections needed to succeed in consulting. Throughout my life, I have actively taken pa ...
Heya! I'm Leon, a first-year student studying Economics, Finance and Data Science. Running for Events I hope to create high-impact opportunities for students to gain real insights and experience in consulting. At Imperial, students across all years and courses consider transitioning into consulting, yet many don’t fully understand what the job really entails. What makes a consultant stand out? What do the fir ...
Hi everyone, My name is Muhammad, and I’m a penultimate-year chemistry student excited to be running for Vice President of Events at Imperial Consultancy Society. My passion for consulting, combined with my desire to help every member gain a strong start in their career, drives my enthusiasm for this role. I want to organize engaging and practical events - from meetings with experienced professionals to inval ...
Hello everyone, I am exicted to run as Vice President of Events as I know firsthand the challenges students face when trying to secure opportunities in the consulting field. That’s why I am passionate about supporting students and creating events that provide real value, industry exposure, and practical insights to help them achieve their goals. This year, I successfully co-organised a large career fair for ...