Photo of Anaira Jalan

Anaira Jalan

Debating: Vice President

Hi, I'm Anaira and I'm running for VP. A simple reason why you should vote me - next year I'll be the only VP who has spoken at a major and also NOT been a UCL traitor.

Firstly #TeamEnglandplug - this means that I know a lot of people in the debate community which is really important for a VP because it helps us to organise spars and also be a reppy society if we have connections.

Secondly, I was president of debating at my old school, so I'm very well versed with the roles a VP has to do, e.g selecting teams for comps, getting slots for comps, and carrying out tasks set by Pres Xiong (Xiong #Iloveyou #iamyourslave #gobacktocolonialrule)

Thirdly, I attend trainings, but debating isn't the ONLY thing I do - and I think this is important because its good for our VP to be multifaceted so they're not dead and you can talk about other stuff that isn't debate. Ik i haven't been at many trainings this term because of #EMW but this won't be the case next year and I'll be attending every session.

Fourthly, me and Aarit = tight(est). (look at photo!) I am probably MOST likely to convince him to do stuff. If you vote for me, I will ask him to drunk fight me.

Basically, I'm just a rlly nice person who's gonna make sure debating doesn't have a bad rep as debaters doing nothing but debate, and I'm decent at debating myself.