Amelia Barber
Hi everyone!
I'm Amelia and I am hoping to be your next Secretary!
A little bit about me - I'm currently in 4th year med doing my iBSc in Neuroscience. This year, I have also been Secretary for Imperial Ceilidh Soc, so you already know that I love writing a good email. It will also be my job to keep meeting minutes and to help keep everybody organized, so that FoMSF can put all of its energy into its amazing work and running fabulous events, knowing that the admin side of things is in safe hands.
FoMSF is a great way to get involved with humanitarian medicine and aid work, no matter what your background is. From gaining a better understanding of the work MSF does and helping to raise awareness, to running amazing fundraising and networking events, FoMSF is the best way to get involved. It's been amazing to watch the society grow in recent years, widening the FoMSF community at Imperial and also increased fundraising to support MSF missions, including those in Gaza, Sudan and Syria, just to name a few.
I would love to have to opportunity to join the fabulous committee next year and really hope to get your vote for next Secretary!
Thank you!