Thilaksana Thavaranjan
Hello everyone! I am Thilaksana Thavaranjan, a fourth-year medical student interested in the GP society and would love to take on the role as a treasurer.
As someone who has been budgeting for years, I am confident in saying that I have sound financial judgement. In addition to this, by attending the mandatory sessions organised by Imperial, I will gain a better understanding of the role of treasurer in a university society.
Communication and teamworking skills, gained from examining and tutoring junior medical students, will help me to work together with the president and the secretary when planning budgets. My time management skills, acquired from volunteering at MMIs fortnightly for a different society, will allow me to plan these in advance. I am aware of the level of accountability and trust linked with this position, and as a result I will work meticulously keeping the members’ best interest in mind.
My aims:
- Transparency in budgeting – simplify financial calculations to give an overview to committee members, to seek their opinion as well.
- Cost-effective practical plans to host high-quality events. Prioritise optimising resource allocation for conferences and networking opportunities, ensuring that our funds are spent effectively. Find sponsors for our events.
- Seek economically and environmentally beneficial options when making financial decisions.
Numbers, math and budgeting are something I have always enjoyed, so I am keen to get involved as a treasurer of the society. I am confident that my passion and organisational skills will make me well-suited for this role.