Ravit Dewan
Hi everyone! My name is Ravit. I'm a third year, and I am excited to apply for the General Executive Committee position for Surgical Society.
As a current subcommittee member, I have helped run major events such as the trauma conference, where I set up wet/dry workshops and was a student group leader, ensuring smooth transitions between stations. This gave me a valuable insight into the logistics of running the conference. Recently, during the CPA mock, I aided in setting up the examination stations the day before as well as logistics on the day, demonstrating both my work ethic and commitment to surgsoc. These experiences have strengthened my organisation and teamwork, which I hope to take forward into the role of GenExec.
Beyond SurgSoc, I have delivered talks through StreetDoctors, enhancing my communication and leadership abilities. I hope to use these skills to expand the outreach of Surgsoc through collaboration with other societies and recruiting speakers.
I have many ideas going forward, such as bringing back General Surgery Workshops—Inspired by the amazing Colorectal Masterclass I attended in second year, where delegates can obtain a greater understanding of the specialty as well as hands-on experiences in bowel anastomoses and laparoscopic skills. I would also love to host a surgical portfolio & networking event where students get insights from doctors who recently secured training posts.
I am passionate about making SurgSoc more engaging, and I’d love the chance to contribute further to this wonderful society.
Thank you!