Yana Aggarwal
Hello, I’m Yana, a first year Computing student, and I’m running to be your events officer! Many of my fondest memories from this year have been through DocSoc, from chaotic bar nights, to amazing theatre trips, and I would love to be a part of the magic that goes on behind the scenes to make all of this happen!
Having helped organise many events in my old school, such as parties, my year’s prom, and charity events, I am the perfect candidate for this role - I will actively ask for feedback on DocSoc events and gather your ideas to make our events even better! Some ideas for events include karaoke, go karting, escape rooms, theme park trips, and a start of year party (which will of course be much cheaper and much better than the CGCU one!) I will also aim to reduce the price point for some of our DocSoc events and introduce free ones, so they’re more accessible to everyone :)
I am organised, self motivated, and dedicated to DocSoc, and I know I would really enjoy organising these events for all our lovely society members. It would be incredible knowing that I have helped make people happy and make awesome memories as the current events officers have done for me.
Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope that this convinces you to vote for me!