DoCSoc: Webmaster


Joshua Gonsalves

As a second-year computing student, I'm excited to run for DoCSoc Webmaster. I bring a veriety of experience for this role, as a long-term tech team volunteer for ICHack has given me valuable insights into our society and campus tech landscape. Furthermore i've been doing web dev since i started here; applying my skills to winning hackathons, internships and more. During my time as a ICHack Tech team vol ...

Jay Abussaud

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Pruthvi Shrikaanth

Hi everyone! I'm Pruthvi, an undergradudate Computing student. I have plenty of experience in designing and building websites for a range of purposes. I actually built my own too, you can check it out here! I have experience building simple-to-use and accessible websites for everyone to use - for ICHack this year, my contribution included a Braille-training website entirely accessible to ...

Abhinav Gupta

I am running for the role of Webmaster for DocSoc with a clear goal: to further our digital presence for both our members and external audiences. As the largest society at ICL, we deserve a website that reflects our size, diversity, and ambition. 1. Revamping the main DocSoc website Our current website is in dire need of improvement. If elected, I will lead the charge in redesigning the site to include a modern des ...