Photo of Chris Su

Chris Su

Biochemistry: Publicity & Marketing Officer

Hi, my name is Chris and I am a first-year Biochemistry student. I would like to put myself forward for the position of Publicity & Marketing Officer!

I believe I am suited for this role for the following reasons:

1. I've had relevant experiences in making Instagrams posts and posters in my old school for the promotion of Anatomy Society.

3. I excel at formatting and making engaging presenations as well as delivering important information.

4. I am very responsible and have a high standards on the work I produce.

5. I am very familiar of using Canva and other tools to make nice instagram posts.

If I do get the role, I will continue the high quality of our Instagram posts and get more members to engage in our academic and social events. I will also advertise more for relevant university events, conferences, competitions and career oportunities from other societies.

I would be very happy if you could vote for me!

Thank you so much!