Photo of Arya Narang

Arya Narang

Christian Union: Evang. Sec

As future evangelism secretary, I will make it my mission to drive up numbers in first contact (i.e. people evangelising outside our library).

I plan to encourage more talks on evangelism or introduce some sort of small events for the sole purpose of teaching students how to win more souls for Christ.

We will always put Jesus first and commit to fulfilling His command in Matthew 28:18, to make disciples of all nations!

Another way to do this is to drive up skeptical numbers! We can have more regular advertising throughout campus with the help of our social secretary and discuss skeptical more often during first contact so that any curious souls can actually take some next steps after hearing the gospel. I hope to potentially distribute some flyers during first contact to aid with this.

Lastly, I would like to introduce some sort of a booking system or a way for people who are not so experienced in evangelism to partner up with CU members who are more experienced, be it a UCCF member, committee members or past committee members. I hope this will reduce the fear that people have when it comes to evangelism, as they will have someone to fall back on if they are struggling.