Ayushi Gianchandani
We are excited to announce our candidacy for Surgical Society Co-Presidents. With over four years of combined SurgSoc experience as Plastics Conference Chair, General Executive and Trauma Committee, we are confident in our ability to lead SurgSoc forward. Having worked together on multiple university and national committees, we spearheaded the first collaborative conference between two of Imperial's largest societies - SurgSoc and iPRAS (BAPRAS-accredited and CPD points), and secured >£3,000 in sponsorship from international institutions.
Building on last year’s successes, we propose a range of initiatives to enhance educational and networking opportunities:
- Expanded International Collaborations & Networking Events with Imperial and external surgical societies, including our specialist skills days in partnership with iPRAS, ICSM Ortho, Paeds, ICSM Oncology, etc.
- Specialist Shadowing Program: facilitating shadowing experience across surgical specialties (plastics, orthopaedics, vascular, general, etc.)
- Research Program: interest-based pairing with doctors for literature reviews, case reports, SRs and MAs, audits and QiPs.
- New events:
- Innovation Summit: exploring advances in AI, robotics, and surgical technology through expert panels.
- Introduction to Surgery Skills Day (ISSD) offering hands-on surgical training and portfolio guidance for prospective medical students.
- Women in Surgery Panel in collaboration with other surgical societies
- Strengthen existing partnerships with BAPRAS, RCS, The Dukes Club and ASiT and explore new collaborations with RSM, PLASTA, the Stanmore Rotation, Rouleaux Club.
Our goal is to bring SurgSoc closer to its members, offering valuable training and career development. We are committed to making this vision a reality.
Thank you for your support—see you next year!
Ayushi & Abith