Lawrence Liego
Hey! I’m Gerald Liego, running for the role of vice president for the upcoming year. A little about me - I'm a Biochem first year from Jakarta, addicted to cooking and the gym. If you ever need me, chances are I'll be humming Cinta Luar Biasa or drinking my daily dose of Tolak Angin. Ever since arriving at Imperial, Indosoc has been one of the few things curing my homesickness. From the countless food events and social gatherings, I've felt like this society has allowed me to network with people of my heritage and lifestyle. As one of the elected vice presidents, I believe that I am responsible and dedicated, aiming to strengthen our society’s presence on campus and beyond, making it a hub for cultural exchange and collaboration. I plan to make Indosoc bigger than it ever has been before by bringing back Indonight, so that we can put our beloved country back on the spotlight. Vote for me and I'll make sure every event you attend will be memorable!!