ok hear me out i may be absent from training but i am a very good personality hire and i can make funky little posts
Hey guys it’s your favourite Instagram warrior! My name is Mark, I’m a first-year materials student and I’m usually the person skating off when drill instructions are being explained. Despite being so fidgety on the ice, I can assure you all that my energy goes into much more than just annoying teammates by tapping them on the shoulder and running away (my killer dance moves and minibus karaoke c ...
Hello, my fellow Devils! As many of you know, our beloved previous webmaster is skating off to new comittee positions, and I’m attempting to step up to fill his mighty shoes. I’m here to pledge something monumental: I will remain so chronically online that while I may occasionally miss the puck, I will never miss a chance to broadcast the glorious victories of the Devils to the world. I swear to you, my ...