Filip Petreanu
Rowing at such a prestigious insitution comes with a couple of benefits, including the ability to parter with companies to receive items for free.
Recently, we have not been seeing sufficient 'freebies' or 'goodies' considering how easy it is to do. That is why I am standing in for sponsorship sec.
Technically I have already secured a sponsorship: by substaintially subsidising the Crew Dog items sold to Imperial and sending freebies there was a net positive for you guys and the company, proof that giving free items does help both sides.
In addition, sports nutrition companies are keen to get their name out and would gladly send us their products for further recommendation. The rowing scene is an untapped market for them and their marketing budget would gladly let us have our fair share of fuel.
My extensive list of contacts at rowing companies, literally working for one too, can help find the right people. Allmarkone are a group we should improve ties with. Also, working with both FeatherandSquare and Rivalkit, I guarantee hand balm for everyone and at the very least rivalkit's priority shipping where they send it out in a couple days as opposed to waiting a month (some people get special treatment I don't kid you).
Vote for the only person who can be asked to send emails to random companies and get you guys free stuff. I know who to ask and this isn't even the tip of the list.