Zara Burgess
Hi, I’m Zara and I'm a 2nd year Chemistry student. This club is so special and I can't wait to take on women's captain. Here are some reasons I think I'm suited to the role:
I am great at multitasking and love a challenge (as proven by my ability to successfully stroke steer on a busy tideway for a whole term). As well as this, I’ve been able to balance rowing, my studies and a part-time job coaching rowing at Latymer School.
I am reliable and incredibly dedicated to the club – no matter what (injury, exams etc.) I will always be at training. Despite injuring my wrist in first term of first year (potentially due to my own stupidity, but don’t worry that was just a silly frosh moment), I still battled the district line at rush hour every day just to be at training.
I've been through a lot in my 6 years of rowing (long-lasting rib injuries, difficult selection decisions and more) and I want to use my experience to help every member of the women's squad as much as I can. I'm here to listen to and help with any issues you may have (rowing related or not!)
Finally, I love a good rowing social, and I think the women’s squad socials are paramount when it comes to creating a fun squad atmosphere! I very much intend to keep the brunches going (maybe more frequently!), as well as other fun activities!