Rohan Rayani
Hey everyone! I’m Rohan, a second year mathematics student, and am running for the position of Men’s 1s Captain next year. Having been part of the club for the past 2 years, I have seen the team-working and dedication that goes into the captaincy role, and wish to fuel my competitive spirit alongside continuing the fun I’ve had so far. As the current social secretary, I feel that I’ve been able to fully integrate myself within the community and have resultantly made some great friends - from firsthand experience, the importance of a closely connected team off the court is certainly significant to creating a more inclusive environment. Through this experience I have become acquainted with organising, communication and scheduling which are skills transferable to this captaincy role. Moreover, I have previously had experience in assistant coaching, in which I set drills and monitored progress of attendees.
My plans:
I will ensure to continue structured training sessions focused on improving technical skills through implementing drills, highlighting areas of development through consistent match play between ourselves, to help us perform to the best of our abilities in fixtures. I further hope to communicate with members both individually, and collectively, to receive feedback and understand their own preferences to allow for adaptable and flexible session plans. I will also encourage good relations between members, through liaising with the committee. I aim to promote and encourage physical fitness, as well as adding potential performance reviews, and will look into putting forward a Bucs Team!