Photo of Kevin Zhao

Kevin Zhao

Chinese: External Vice President


我是来自MSc Living Planet with Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution专业的赵哲涛(Kevin Zhao),很荣幸能够参选帝国理工中国学联(Chinese Society)External Vice President一职。

作为External VP,我的主要目标是为同学们打造更丰富的职业发展机会与更广阔的交流平台。我曾通过个人的项目资源与企业人脉,成功帮助多位同学获得了名企内推机会与实习全职岗位,例如阿里云FPGA工程师、芯片设计/验证工程师、算法研发及管培生岗位。同时,我与中国物联网协会及大湾区多家商会企业保持紧密合作,拥有诸多优质的实践项目资源,能够为同学们提供切实的项目实操机会。


  • 搭建更高效、更直接的企业对接平台,让每位同学拥有更多职业发展的机会。

  • 策划并组织更多职业分享与校友交流活动,帮助大家更好地规划职业路径。

  • 与各大协会和企业深化合作,拓宽学联资源网络,增强对外影响力。

我深知External VP这一职位责任重大,但我相信凭借热情、资源和经验,我能为大家带来实质性的帮助与改变。希望各位同学能支持我,一起为帝国理工中国学联的发展贡献力量。


赵哲涛 Kevin Zhao

Dear Fellow Students,

I am Zhetao (Kevin) Zhao from the MSc in Living Planet with Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution, and I am honored to run for External Vice President of the Imperial College Chinese Society.

My vision as External VP is clear: to create abundant career opportunities and a vibrant networking platform for all our members. Previously, leveraging my personal connections and resources, I have successfully facilitated referrals and career placements for multiple students at prominent companies such as Alibaba Cloud (FPGA engineer, Chip Design/Verification roles, Algorithm Engineer, and Management Trainee positions). Additionally, I maintain strong partnerships with the China IoT Association and several business chambers in the Greater Bay Area, enabling me to connect students with high-quality practical projects and hands-on experiences.

If elected, I promise to:

  • Build an effective platform for direct collaboration with top enterprises, enhancing career opportunities for every student.

  • Organize regular career-oriented events and alumni sharing sessions to help students navigate their career paths.

  • Expand and deepen partnerships with industry and associations, broadening our society's network and external influence.

I fully recognize the significant responsibilities of the External VP role and am confident that my enthusiasm, resources, and experiences will make meaningful contributions to our community. I sincerely ask for your support so we can advance the Chinese Society together.

Thank you!

Zhetao (Kevin) Zhao