Naimat Sayyed
Hello, I'm Naimat and I'm running to be your next PhySoc social secretary!
Over the course of this year, I feel like the constant cycle of lab reports, problem sheets, and exams can get pretty overwhelming. Beyond academics, I think it's equally important for us to just, well, have some fun. And it's precisely those small, regular events - like having a good time at trivia with your PhySoc family, going to physics movie nights, and enjoying pub crawls - that are the best way for us to enjoy ourselves and get to know each other. At the end of the day, what's the point in getting a Physics degree if you don't get to blue shell your friend in Mario Kart whilst doing it?
I've personally enjoyed the PhySoc events in Year 1, and want to meaningfully contribute in my own way. I have experience hosting sports competitions, interviews, and chess tournaments in high school, which taught me important time, resource, and people management skills. I would love to use these skills as social secretary over the next year, bringing new ideas to the table (let me know if you have any suggestions!) and working with other societies to organise new and continue old collaborative events - like the Blackett debate with DebateSoc, or poker night with PokerSoc.
Regardless of the outcome of the election, I hope we can all work together to make next year fun and exciting!