Photo of Rex Weber-Brown

Rex Weber-Brown

Boat: Social Secretary

Hello, I am Rex, applying to be social secretary.

My plan is to continue Henry's legacy, but also add some new things. But what will these new things be?

First of all, a boat tour. We're one of the only sports to not include a social tour into our calendar. I want to change that.

Second, more integration with medics rowing. We share the same space and sport and I think doing more competitive socials like varsity could be really fun. Every fresher needs to know their weird drinking games. I also want to extend this to better integration with other sports, we're not at school anymore where rowers were the weird people you never spoke to. This could make some interesting socials.

Speaking of socials, I want to do more weird drinking games (like the chicken one), and make sure the freshers are fully introduced to the whole squad by the end of preseason.

Finally, I am going to introduce mandatory sports night including embargoes: post race, post test erg. Furthermore mandatory costumes at every ACC.

And why am I suited for the job? At the annual dinner I was essentially deemed village idiot when I was given the golden balaclava and disco ball. I do personally like a sesh. Finally, I successfully organised pub golf on the 26th Feb which was a bit of a crazy night for some.

So please vote for me. Not Ron.