Photo of Ali Nayir

Ali Nayir

Turkish: Secretary

Değerli arkadaşlar, umarım hepiniz iyisinizdir (Korhan Karadere haric). I’m Ali, a Mechanical Engineering undergraduate, currently writing my manifesto when I should be finishing my lab report that is due tomorrow, so you know this is important for me. Having really enjoyed the amazing events our society has put together this year, I am excited about the opportunity to be a part of the Turkish Society next year and hope to serve as the Secretary of the committee.

With the Turkish student community growing not only at Imperial but across London, I want to take an active role in uniting this network and making our society a leader in this movement. Over the past years, I’ve been involved in various organizations and societies, gaining valuable organizational skills that I now want to bring to and utilize inside our society. From our much-loved traditional Raki Gecesi to unforgettable Sess Nights at Metric, I aim to expand both the number and variety of events we organize, creating more opportunities for us to come together. Beyond that, I want to and will do my best to connect with other cultural societies, bringing different communities together and enriching our experiences at Imperial. I want to continue this tradition, ensuring that Turkish Society remains the GREATEST cultural society at Imperial. Looking forward to an exciting year ahead, and I hope to have your support.

P.s: Special thanks to patron Yasar Arslan.