Josiah Ho
Hey everyone!! I'm Josiah, a first year Medical Bioscience student, running for the secretary position in the Christian Union. To be honest, I would say that I in fact do not have what it takes to be a secretary, if it wasn't by the grace of God. Although I will say that I've been gifted in being relatively organised and opportuned in having to work in other logistical works before, all such gifts will indeed be futile if it wasn't used for God's glory. As a secretary for CU, though such a role may be in the background often, I understand its valued importance in how it opportunes in aiming for every student in Imperial to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by ensuring venues and spaces are provided for the Word to be shared and for any kind of Gospel encouragement it may bring through newsletters. As I take up this role, I do pray that I, and every other persons in each respective role, will remember that it's not us who work, but Christ working in us. May His glory be made known in all we do, that our work for Him may produce a yield of 30, 60 and 100 fold. Soli Deo Gloria. God Bless!!!