Ju-Jitsu: Secretary


Coran Simpson

Hi. I'm currently a first-year Physics undergraduate and have been training (somewhat) regularly since starting Imperial. As such, I thought it was a good idea to run for committee as a means of not only giving back to the club, but also to ensure Ju-Jitsu remains well-managed and open to future 1st years and other newcomers for years to come.

Anya Sithambaram

Hey jitsukas! If you've been training this year then you have probably seen me around. I'm a yellow belt, 2nd year mechanical engineer who's really come to love our jitsu club over the year and a half that I've been at Imperial. I would like to be your secretary next year because it would be a great way for me to give back to the club. Our club has such a friendly, welcoming and supportive environment, which is in n ...