Ben Chen
Hi there, I'm Ben Chen, a regular at the IC social sessions.
This year, I'm running for the secretary to pay back the community; I've really enjoyed my time here with the badminton society and I'd love to get more involved in order to ensure that it runs smoother than ever before.
If you vote for me, I promise to maintain rapid and concise communication between the committee and members so that any and all enquiries are resolved quickly and decisively. I will ensure we have a fair system and don't get overcrowded sessions, as well as maintaining the welcoming community for new players.
I'm really grateful for the oppurtunities I've had from this society, and I'd love to help others also have a good time with badminton. I'd appreciate any feedback or improvements that you'd like to suggest so that everyone has an improved experience. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Thank you for your time