Photo of Keya Shah

Keya Shah

Skate Society: Treasurer

Hi, I’m Keya and I’ve been mostly inline roller skating since October 2024 - and it’s probably my favourite hobby till date. I think skating is one of the best ways to destress after long days at college - and as Treasurer I will ensure that finances regarding equipment are handled as smoothly as possible. From my perspective, this role is the backbone of Skate Soc, as the managing of the budget that we have for roller skates, socials, and discounts on ice skate classes (the £4 refunds) is what makes the society so special and is imperative to its function.

I want to make sure members get the best value for money as possible - and so as Treasurer I pledge to increase the discount on the price of ice skating at Queens, and would create a ‘Members Discount’ which would mean that if you got membership, you would get £5 off ice skating at Queens at any time (not just Wednesday afternoons) to allow members to have an opportunity to practise and socialise, and maybe even convince more people to join as a result of the lower prices.

In the end, my main goal will always be to ensure that if you are part of Skate Soc, you both develop your skills in a fun activity accessible to all ages, and get your money's worth for it too!