Photo of Megumi Dharma

Megumi Dharma

Indonesian: Junior Treasurer

Hiii everyone!!

My name is Megumi, and I'm a first-year Materials student running for Treasurer of IndoSoc. Despite my name being Japanese, rest assured that I have no colonial ancestry 🥸 and am proudly born and raised in Indonesia. I’ve always enjoyed IndoSoc’s events and the home-y atmosphere it creates, so I’d love to help continue nurture this community by contributing as treasurer. (YAY Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 🇮🇩!!)

As a material girl 💅✨ (pun intended), I understand the value of money. I’ve held several financial roles leading to successful outcomes in past organizations, equipping me with the skills needed to be a good treasurer. Some of my key positions include:

  • Leader and finance supervisor of HelpingHands, where we raised millions of Rupiah to renovate the orphanage’s library and buy Christmas presents for the kids
  • Board member and Finance Coordinator of ByeByePlasticBags Surabaya, where we doubled the previous year’s profits
  • Charity division of Student Council, where we raised hundreds of millions of Rupiah through engaging sponsors and vendors

If elected, I pledge to be transparent with funds, make my Asian ancestors proud with my money-managing skills, and ensure sustainable finances for future batches to come. I’ll also work closely with the committee to ensure fun, smooth and affordable events that won't break the bank but will demolish expectations🤯

I hope to make IndoSoc a harmonious community filled with great memories and well-subsidized events for all. Vote for me to make our budget (especially for food) go📈📈📈!!!

Thank you for reading!!