Photo of Yiling Lei

Yiling Lei

Aeronautics: President

Hey all, my name is Yiling, a current third-year student and I’m running to be your AeroSoc President. You’ve probably seen me hosting weekly career talks, sneaking around for the best shot, or delivering merch in the common room. As your current Industrial Liaison Officer, I’ve brought you career events with companies like Rolls-Royce, MathsWorks, VCARB and Airbus—hopefully the post-event pizza socials made them even more memorable! Having also served as a year rep, I understand the cohort, the department, and the committee. I believe that my experience, commitment, and passion make me an ideal candidate for this position.

Being in one of the most challenging courses at a top university is tough. We all deserve to have the best experience here. This is why as your president I’ll:

  • Fill our social calendar: more events throughout term time to help us unwind
  • Build a strong foundation for your career path: maintain our strong lineup of industry events and collaborate across departments for more diverse career pathways
  • Expand alumni and industry ties: more networking opportunities to support our journeys beyond university
  • Enhance career prep with interactive CV, cover letter, and interview workshops

Most importantly, as president I'll create an environment where we can all have a fun, engaging, and rewarding time. I will make AeroSoc a place where we all feel supported, inspired, and proud to be future aeronauts.

Let’s fly higher together!