MathSoc is so back.
This past year has been the best year in MathSoc history and it's not even close. Take Me Out, Christmas Dinner for £16, MathSoc families, DRP, MathSoc football....the list goes on. So you're probably wondering how I can possibly beat that! Here's a sneak preview at what we have in store for next year (on top of everything we do already):
1) MATHSOC INVESTMENT FUND - Cauchy Capital. Inspired by Queen's Tower Capital, MathSoc will have its own investment fund exclusively for maths students to play around with and do all kinds of whacky quant trading and research with.
2) MATHSOC ALUMNI NETWORK + EXCLUSIVE INTERNSHIPS. Networking has never been more cringe than it is now, and applications are an absolute pain - especially when you're 4 problem sheets and 8 lectures behind. I want to take the stress out of application season and connect you guys with all of our graduates who are currently in the roles you want to be in, whether that be mentorship and advice or referalls and fast-tracking. This includes EXCLUSIVE internships and projects through partnerships with firms and start-ups.
3) ELITE SOCIALS EVERY WEEK. Let's be real, you and I want the same thing - free food. As president I will QUADRUPLE the budget to at least £200 every week to free food at the socials, where we can just chill and have a few pints or whatever.
I'm just a chill lowkey guy who likes maths tbh :)