ZhiNing Ng
Hello! I am Ng Zhi Ning, currently studying Mechanical Engineering.
ICUMS has played a major role in my life in London. Some of my best memories in first year were made in ICUMS events, and spent with the people I met in ICUMS. This motivates me to run for president, to give back to this society that means so much to me. I am deeply committed to fostering a vibrant community here in Imperial, and to create a space where Malaysians can feel closer to home.
As your president, I want to continue fostering a tight-knitted community in ICUMS through events and welfare initiatives, and to promote career-mindedness through career events. I also aim to establish a productive working environment within the committee based on mutual trust and respect. My key plans are summarised below:
- Create an Internship & Summer Activity Database
- Establish an ICUMS Website
- Utilise SCI as a better substitute for career associates
- Further improve on the Event Sponsor proposal process
Welfare & Events
- Create Location-based groupchats with seniors & juniors
- Establish ICUMS ‘Facebook Marketplace’ for selling second-hand items
- Host an annual London MSoc collaboration event
- Improve communication between committee members
- Consider introducing shadow committee positions
- Implement more opportunities for budget re-evaluation
A detailed description of my plans can be found in my ICUMS internal manifesto.
As your president, I vow to always have Malaysians’ best interests at heart, and I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to this mission. Thank you for your consideration!