Freya Stewart
Orchestra - Symphony: Chair
Having served as Vice Chair, Publicity Officer, and Leader of the 2nd Violins over the past few years, as well as playing with many other orchestras including the English National Ballet, I've experienced all that ICSO offers - as well as a lot of what it could. I've witnessed firsthand the exceptional talent within our ranks and believe passionately that we can live up to our reputation as the best university orchestra in the UK, while continuing to strengthen our community and sense of belonging.
🪑 As your Chair, I will:🪑
- Partner with Oliver to maximise rehearsal efficiency; conducting rehearsals in ways more aligned with professional ensembles by building on musical appreciation and understanding of ensemble - with the talent in the orchestra, we can bridge the gap between youth orchestra and the (semi-)professional world! ✨✨
- Ensure that repertoire is well-chosen and reflects the high standards I know ICSO is capable of! 📈
- Establish transparent selection criteria for leadership positions 🙋
- Implement consistent decision-making through the new constitution and define transparent decision-making processes 📖
- Build on this year's partnerships with sponsors 💸
- Strengthen community by continuing to promote more inclusive and frequent socials 🥳
- Enforce attendance in a fair way to balance consistency of the orchestra and allowing members to take their own opportunities 🙌
As an instrumental force in rewriting our constitution, as well as working under 3 (!) different chairs, I know I have what it takes to improve ICSO for YOU !