Baris Atikol
Hi everyone!
I’m Baris, and I’m excited to be running for MatSoc President. This role offers an exciting chance to enhance the society and deliver meaningful experiences for all members.
As President, I will take full responsibility for organizing the committee, ensuring deadlines are met, finances are effectively managed, and the things we do align with Union policies. A key part of my role will be maintaining MatSoc’s strong reputation by representing materials within RSM, keeping students informed, and making sure our voice is heard. The lunchtime lectures will continue to be a key part of the society, which offer valuable insights for students.
Beyond academics, I want MatSoc to be a society that remains active and engaging, so I will push for more social events to strengthen our sense of community. By ensuring collaboration within the committee and ensuring every role is well-supported, I will create an environment where we can host fun events, build industry connections, and establish a welcoming space for all materials students. With my energy and fresh perspective, I am confident I can lead MatSoc effectively and make a real impact.
Vote for Baris, let’s shape a great future for MatSoc.