Photo of David Shane Goh

David Shane Goh

Indonesian: President

Hi! I hope Imperial has been treating you well!

I’m David, a second-year undergraduate at Imperial studying Mathematics, and I’ll be running for the position of President.

I have been a member of Indosoc from my first year at Imperial and have been immersed with all kinds of events from social to career events. I then had the opportunity to become a part of the committee as the treasurer this year, which gave me the chance to connect with students from other universities and understand how to manage the organisation to embrace our goal.

My main goals as your president for next year Indosoc are exposure and collaboration. If I were to be your President, these are certain milestones I would like to achieve :

  • More intersociety events both internally and externally, by engaging with Imperial Southeast Asian societies or other London universities Indosoc, in order for members to both have fun and build relationships
  • Bring back Indonight: a tradition that has been done from the 90s. This will be one of the biggest events we will host. I am excited to embrace, spread and introduce Indonesian culture to everybody.
  • Introduce Imperial Indosoc Discount card: Collaboration with Indonesian or other Southeast asian restaurants to provide discounts to members.
  • More active and open communication with our members by giving daily updates on both Instagram and Whatsapp.

Let’s have a memorable year with our fellow Indonesians and make Indosoc a home for all of us!