Mihnea Lazar
Hello! My name is Mihnea. I have very much enjoyed hiking with Fellwanderers this year, and I am now looking to contribute by helping with organisation next year! If you see me around on any of the remaining hikes this year, I'd be more than happy to have a conversation, whether that be hiking-related—e.g. hiking gear—or unrelated, like History (I’m a humanities student at heart, forced into STEM by capitalism—so please entertain me!) or cheese (for which certain committee members apparently remember me).
As Deputy President of Equipment, my main goal would be to ensure that the society’s gear is well-maintained, accessible, and suitable for every member’s needs. I’ll work closely with the rest of the committee to support trip planning and ensure we have the right gear for various trips (e.g. hiking poles for those who need a bit of extra support). I will also ensure that we bring enough headlamps for hikes that run after sunset in the darker winter months, for a safer and more enjoyable experience for all. I’d also like to push for more, or more powerful, headlamps.
Although not strictly within my remit, I’d also love to suggest more historically significant hikes. My focus will be on supporting the society’s activities in any way I can, so that we can continue to deliver great hikes for all members.