Photo of Nawaf Al Balushi

Nawaf Al Balushi

Metal: Vice President

Dearest metalheads, trve kvlt members, and posers,

My name is Nawaf, a second-year physics student and a guitarist of a metal band you may know called Sirius. I like a variety of genres, but realistically, I probably listen to about 95% metal... so I guess that should be helpful here. I may be seen as the metalcore/deathcore/melodeath guy, but I hold appreciation for all subgenres of metal, except those like NSBM...

Ever since I yelled out to Geraint at the first AMS social of my first year, the second coming of IC MetalSoc was set in motion. MetalSoc has done a lot for the community, allowing bands such as Sedative and Sirius to make it to the finals of Battle of the Bands last year, utilising our numbers to push our love of metal to the front of the live music scene at Imperial. Since the start of this year, we've seen numbers grow rapidly and the society has taken advantage of this by allowing forsubsidised tickets and advertising/pushing for Imperial metal bands, which we've seen grow rapidly in numbers (I think about 2-4 more have formed this year?).

As MetalSoc's Vice President, I will be pushing for new ways to better this society, in addition to developing existing ideas such as subsidising more tickets for more bands and find more opportunities for Imperial's metal bands to perform, even outside Imperial (which has already started happening).

Yours truely,
