Photo of Sadhana Sainath

Sadhana Sainath

ICSMSU: Gazette Editor

Dear ICSM,

It has been a pleasure to serve as your Editor this year. The Gazette has meant so much to me and it would be an honour to serve in the role for a second year.

This year, I have pioneered changes within the Gazette, e.g. immersion back into the wider ICSM community via the SU and Arts societies, starting conversations regarding better alumni engagement, and exploring solutions to media diversification, all of which I hope to continue into the next year.

My main aims:

1. Encouraging Alumni Engagement

  • Our Alumni network forms the backbone of our community - without them, so many of our favourite events would not be possible.
  • Fostering support from more recent alumni graduates, utilising the Phoenix Foundation, and outgoing final years will be integral for this.

2. Diversification of our Media

  • Exploring new avenues of media will encourage further student engagement and offers more opportunities for the amplification of the student voice.
  • Creating a strong web team and gathering advice from the FoM communications department would be beneficial.

3. Further Collaboration

  • Promoting further collaboration between the Gazette committee and ICSMSU
  • Phase 3 and BMB guides + CSP announcements

4. Sustainability

  • Continue to lay foundations of the Gazette to ensure future committees are in the best position possible.
  • Enhance current relationships with external bodies so the Gazette is well supported

I have so much passion for the Gazette and I hope I can continue to share it with you <3

Much Journalistic Love,

Sadhana :))