Photo of Ruksana Begum-Meades

Ruksana Begum-Meades

Postgraduate Research Academic & Welfare Officer (Medicine)

Hi everyone! I’m Ruksana, a third year PhD student in the Division of Psychiatry.

I am passionate about student welfare and ensuring that the student voice is well represented and heard, as well as making sure that PGR students are well supported during their time at Imperial, regardless of background.

This year, as the 2024-25 Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Research Academic & Welfare Officer, I have done the following:

  • Liaised with Disability Advisory Services and helped to develop an amended Summary of Reasonable Adjustments Document (SRAD), to ensure that this is more representative of the PhD experience.
  • Liaised regularly with the student-staff committee on issues affecting postgraduate research students in my department.

If re-elected as the Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Research Academic & Welfare Officer, I aim to do the following:

  • Establish a greater sense of community within the Faculty of Medicine for PGR students.
  • Establish greater networking opportunities for PGR students within the Faculty, improving student-staff relations.
  • Voice academic and welfare concerns of PGR students to make sure they are well represented and to effect positive change in the PGR community.
  • Advocate for appropriate support to be provided for underrepresented students from minority backgrounds, or with protected characteristics.
  • Make sure that disabled students are well represented and supported during their research journeys.
  • Enhance transparency and supervisory support, take on board student feedback to ensure skills development and training are relevant and supportive of future career plans.