Photo of Jin Tao Zhang

Jin Tao Zhang

ICSMSU: Secretary & Communications Officer

Hi! I'm Jin Tao, a 3rd-year medic, and I’m running to be your next ICSMSU Secretary & Communications Officer!

Having been on several committees, including as secretary for both ICSM Vision and MedEd, as well as being an academic representative this year, I understand the importance of clear, efficient, and timely communication in keeping our student body informed and engaged. My goal in this role is to enhance transparency and improve communication channels between ICSMSU, the student body, and the Faculty.

If elected, my aims include:

  • Integrate key points or links to ICSMSU meeting minutes into newsletters for easier access.
  • Work with the academic officers to share key outcomes from SSLG meetings via newsletters and the website to improve student awareness – many students are not aware of the outcomes of SSLG meetings.
  • Explore student preferences for receiving ICSMSU updates to get communications across to the greatest number of students, as well as how ICSMSU can improve delivery of information to students.
  • Increase awareness of the different ICSMSU communication channels, such as the website, and different ICSMSU social media channels.
  • Work with the rest of ICSMSU to support campaigns by helping to launch them earlier and across multiple platforms to boost visibility and student involvement.

With my past experience on previous committees, I am confident in my ability to streamline communication, strengthen transparency, and ensure every student stays informed. Thank you for reading and I hope to secure your vote!