Marci Talbot
Hi! I'm Marci - I'm currently in DE4 but will be retaking the year due to some health problems. If you're in DE3 you might remember me helping out at tutorials in your first year - and if you're a DE1/DE2 there's a small chance you might have spoken to me on Unibuddy, through an offer holder phone call or at a past outreach event.
Over the last few months, I've been working with the current department wellbeing rep (Maryam) along with some others on an independent project to explore how the department can better support students with disabilities and long-term physical or mental health conditions, as well as practical ways we can improve overall wellbeing for everyone on the MEng Programme. Some of the main areas we have been exploring are: (1) Workload, (2) Mitigating Circumstances Systems / Wellbeing Support, (3) Peer Review. If you have any suggestions please feel free to find me on the system and send me a message - also always happy to just chat if there's something you want to talk through :) I'm very familar with many of the problems students can face and if I get elected will do my very best to push for positive changes in the department.