Mechanical Engineering (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative


Joseph Wong

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Arhvee Cruz

Hi everyone, I’m Arhvee Cruz, the current ME1 Wellbeing Rep, and I’m running to be your Wellbeing Department Representative. As ME1 Wellbeing Rep, I’ve gained experience in communicating student concerns and making real changes. I also love bringing people together through events. Last Christmas, I organised the ME1 Secret Santa, and this Valentine’s Day, I was the Lead Organiser for Take Me ...

Xerxes Perry

Copying my last manifesto to give you another chance to read it Like you all I have been stressed, strained by MechEng, but what if I told you, it does not necessarily have to be that way this year? I wish to see our cohort a closer community that supports each other when we are (engi)nearing our limits. I will ensure everyone is unobstructed in pursuing their goals, alongside enjoying the plethora of available acti ...

Murad Najafaliyev

I am not hesitant (little intimidation) to talk and to transfer complaints to imperial leaders to get the problem resolved fast and without concern. In the end its all about getting your voice heard of whatever the wellbeing concern may be and making sure you have a POWERFUL, BEARABLE and WONDERFUL uni experience. I was the academic rep for year one MechEng. I tried to help many people (including myself) during the ...