Nadav Shammai Shammai
I want to help you guys; I’m doing a biology degree in the first place because I’m trying to be helpful to the world and put my own position of privilege to good use, and my goals as Wellbeing Rep will be no different. I aim to act as a student megaphone, to make sure any concerns you have get heard by people who can help you, whoever you are, especially if you feel that your voice has not previously been heard. I’m suitable for this job because I’m easy to find (if you saw someone in the library with tiger-striped hair dye that’s me), I’m extremely willing to listen, and I have no issue being direct when it comes to communicating what needs to be done to members of staff, or anyone else. I’m also very positive and all about action; that means that if you come to me with a problem, my first focus is to comfort and support you, and my second focus is what can be done to improve the situation or prevent it happening again. That means that, as Wellbeing Rep, I will, non-judgementally, take in your ideas, concerns, and suggestions and convert them into policies and initiatives for the department that will help us all. You all talk, tell me what you want, I listen, we all win, so if you want your vote to benefit yourself, your friends, the professors and other staff in the department, vote Nadav!