Brendan Frain
Aeronautics (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative
Hello! My name's Brendan.
Im currently an undergraduate Aeronautical Engineering student just like you and im looking to run to be your Departmental Wellbeing representative for the next academic year. I truly do believe in making the student experience as positive as it can be, and by voting for me you can ensure that your student experience is tailored to your wellbeing.
Some of the things I aim to do in the upcoming year are:
- Ensure more wellbeing activites are organised in collaboration with our department's new wellbeing advisor Joe Kilbride (this is things like the recent puppy wellbeing meet-and-greet)
- Raise wellbeing-related concerns with the higher-ups of the aero department during regular meetings to ensure changes are made
- Work with the academic representatives and year-wellbeing-reps to ensure that the wellbeing and academic needs of the cohort are met
I do hope you consider me as your vote for departmental wellbeing representative in the upcoming year!