Rama Aowidah
ICSMSU: Academic Officer (BSc Year)
Hi, I’m Rama! I'm a current 4th-year running to be your Academic BSc Representative!
This year, I’ve had the pleasure of being the Cardio Rep, working with faculty to improve upon student feedback and hearing from other BSc reps at termly meetings.
The BSc year is brimming with opportunity and skills to be gained but its novelty can make it intense. Hence, I want to advocate for stronger support across all aspects of the BSc - from allocations to assessments to work/life balance!
- Part-Time Work Support: Advocate for better timetabling across all BSc's to make part-time work more accessible for students who need it.
- Centralised Support: Earlier and more centralised information on choosing supervisors and final year projects so students are better prepared.
- Increased Personal Tutor Support: Improve guidance for personal tutors so they can better support students and encourage BSc’s to follow up on catch-up meetings.
- Standardise Assessment Support:
- Push for more equal ICA support between BSc’s so that all students feel prepared for summatives
- Work with faculty to ensure marking for larger assessments is more standardised so that all students receive fair marking
- External BSc information: More information surrounding applying for external BScs for those interested!
- BSc allocation: Push for students to be able to swap between BScs without current restrictions
I believe the BSc year can be incredibly rewarding! If voted in, I will actively advocate for better support and guidance, ensuring incoming fourth years can make the most of their experience 🙂