Photo of Miriam Foulkes

Miriam Foulkes

Mental Health Officer

Hello, my name is Miriam. I am a third-year chemist running for a second term as mental health officer.

I strongly believe an individual’s mental well-being and health should not be sacrificed in the pursuit of a successful career or student experience. Consequently, every person at Imperial should have the opportunity to access support as and when they need it.

Why vote for me?

As the current MHO, I am an active participant in Union Council and the Community Welfare Forum. As part of my role, I have organised upcoming events for Mental Health Awareness Month in May which will include running, yoga, art, writing and gardening, as well as collaborations with other Networks, Move Imperial, Art Club, etc. (Please note these events are still being planned and are subject to change). I've learnt a lot as MHO this year, but would like more time in the role as I feel I have more to offer.

What are my aims?

  • To further reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by continuing to encourage conversations and learning through campaigns and events.
  • To gather more feedback from students (events, focus groups, departmental representatives) and lobby for appropriate change (i.e. implementing dedicated timetabled slots for rest breaks across all subjects).
  • To work closely with Officer Trustees and existing college services to implement the systemic changes needed to foster a more inclusive environment for marginalised, isolated and struggling students (i.e. improving support for international students/course structures/mitigating circumstance situations).

Thank you for your time and consideration!