RSMU: Pit & Publicity Officer


Gabbie Gutierrez

Hey everyone, guess who's back! We're Gabbie and Abi (ur fave geology duo) and after a year of supplying you with the swaggiest merch in town, we've decided to take our epic design skills online to spice up the RSM social media scene. As soon to be third years we have gained sufficient knowledge and expertise to give you the best Pit yet (we finna be in the pit...iykyk ;P). Always equipped with digicams and big fans ...

Frey Elliot-King

Another year of distincly average pits go by, now its time for change. We have a dream, that one day our pit will be what it was. If you believe freedom of speech and for your officers to not vandalise the beautiful pit profiles you write, then this is the team you want to vote. As the two most noble, attractive and intaligent students imperial has to offer, we guarantee top of line content. Do you have a dream? ...