Photo of Wendy Wang

Wendy Wang

RSMU: Sponsorship Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Wendy, and I’m a first-year Materials student hoping to be your next Sponsorship Officer. I have previous experience in managing sponsorships and investments for various charities and organisations, and I hope that my skills can transfer into fruitful partnerships for RSM. I am excited to see the union develop over the next years through more successful and long-term collaborations

As your sponsorship officer, I will be looking to accomplish the following:

  • secure funding and partnerships with associate corporations, institutions, and companies to give all union members more discounts, events, and products.
  • Focusing on forming partnerships with ethical and sustainable corporations and ensuring transparency towards all students through a public sponsorship report
  • Establishing relationships with fellow societies at universities around the world, allowing students to exchange ideas
  • Creating gateways for internships, graduate opportunities, and potential career events for all students

I hope to channel my passion for connection into RSM and leverage my existing connections to best benefit all in RSM! Thank you for your considerations :)