Ketevani Asatiani-Kalandaze
ICSMSU: Deputy President
Hello ICSM- Im backkkkkk,
My name is Kete and I would love to be your ICSMSU Deputy President.
Our community holds a very special place in my heart. Every aspect of it from our Clubs and societies and our amazing events to the people who make it up mean so much to me. I have spent 3 years now within the Welfare representation team and gotten to know so many of you and hope that many of you have gotten to know me and understand this love that I describe.
As Deputy President my aims would be:
- Use my skills from the Welfare team to adequately support each member of ICSMSU with the coaching capabilities to push each officer to meet their aims for the year and deliver back to ICSM.
- I aim to work with the new President, SU and members of faculty who I have built great rapport with over the past 3 years to strengthen the sense of community in ICSM with Clubs supporting each other, appreciation for the work done by reps and becoming a place where no one feels lonely or unsafe.
- To understand what matters to our students and deliver on the change that you want through events/ focus groups that explore the student opinion on what your SU could be doing better because we are here to represent each and every one of you!! Then hopefully we can use our amazing socials to show you the changes we make!!
Kete xx