Photo of Edward Sandeman

Edward Sandeman

Electrical & Electronic Engineering (UG): Year One Wellbeing Representative

Dear e-wizzes and e-wizzettes,

That only makes sense if you've played clash royale. Which I see a lot of you guys do during lectures...

Anyway, if that joke didn't ZAP you the right way, that's alright. I would still be ecSTATIC to be your Wellbeing Representative. My job is to make sure that I do everything in my CAPACIT(y)ANCE so that that frown on your face turns upside down. This means you can approach me whenever you'd like, if you ever feel stressed or concerned or if you just have some ideas on how we can improve your lives. Then I'll TUNNEL your voice to the department and see if we can help you out.

Speaking out will always feel difficult at first. However, my responsibility is to make sure you can get the support without feeling so awkward about it. And remember too, nothing feels awkward for me now that you have seen me in a maid kitty costume.

If reading my manifesto made you crack a smile today, then I must be doing a good job already, right? So vote for me and I can promise you you will have fewer bad days during your time under our SPARKling department.

Yours Truly,

Edward Sandeman

P.S. If I don't get your vote now, I would have lost my dignity for nothing.